13 July 2021 – The Philippine Association for Chinese Studies hosted a webinar on “China’s Relationship with the Korean Peninsula” on 10 July 2021 to explain the historical and contemporary relations between these three countries, as well as their impact on the Philippines and the region.

Korea studies scholar from the Asian Center at the University of the Philippines-Diliman, Assistant Professor Michelle Palumbarit, Ph.D., and China Studies Professor from Kyunghee University in South Korea shared their perspectives on the development of China-Korean Peninsula relations. Dr. Palumbarit’s presentation used the concept of “big brother to little brother to equals relationship” to discuss the historical evolution of its relationships. Dr. Choo, on the other hand, focused his discussion on current issues such as the countries’ stable relations, threats, security interests, and China’s end goal in the region.

The professors’ presentations were followed by a question-and-answer session in which participants raised concerns about pressing issues such as the impact of China and the Korean Peninsula in the Philippines, the North Korean regime, denuclearization, Korean unification, COVID pandemic impact, and China-Korea political-economic relations. The webinar was attended by a diverse group of stakeholders from academia, think tanks, government, and non-governmental organizations.

The webinar drew 86 attendees for the live presentation, and a recording of the discussion is posted online for viewing at PACS Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=346558580203823&ref=watch_permalink). For information about PACS upcoming webinars, visit https://www.pacs.ph/ucpoming-events/.